Sweet Candy
My sweet candy ebony teen has come home again in order to give Daddy her tight little cunt. She starts by caressing her pussy in order to turn Daddy on. And it works. At the very moment I watch her body moving on the couch, my dick gets hard in no time. She then kneels down, exposing her butt. This is her way of asking me to remove her panties. She is wonderful. When I tear her panty aside and expose her cunt, my cock is jumping up and down. Her butt is so attractive, I am contemplating it prior to inflating it with my big hard cock.
Doggystyle Ebony Teen
I grab my cock and aim it at her little pussy hole. It is like I am attracted like a magnet inside her body. Therefore, I gently touch her lips with my glans and lubricate them at first. I like to mix my fluids with hers. It means that both of us are ready for sex. And then I push my cock inside. She is so tight, an air trapped just farts out of her pussy. It is so good to be onside that little girl. She is sweet and tight. She is actually so tight that when I pull out my cock, I can hear her pussy popping out.
Cum Dripping Cunt
It doesn’t take long before the orgasm comes to knock on my door. I am about to fill her up with my semen and I love that. Therefore I let my cock explode inside her cooky. All of my cock is trapped inside. My penis is spitting massive jerks of cum. I am grabbing her butt with both of my hands to make sure I am at the bottom of her vagina. Unfortunately, the pleasure started leaving when I pulled out my cock and let the remaining sperm flow out!