Young Chocolate Pussy
My young chocolate pussy is back home to let me test her tight little pussy from behind. She doesn’t want to believe I am going to make her pussy queef. She may have never experienced that before, but she is going to discover that new feature. After rubbing my cock on that absolutely wonderful cunt, I gently decide to aim it at her slit. Slowly and gently I push my penis inside her tight little cunt. As expected, my big white cock expells some air from her hole and makes it fart. This is a nice sharp little fart I am enjoying right now.
Young Black Butt
She is young and brand new. My cock is inflating her pussy by pushing in it. I make her pussy fart as hell, this is wonderful. She never did anal sex before but she promised me that she was going to try it on her next trip. We will see. For now, I am moving inside her tight little cunt and I am expecting to cum very soon. Prior to that, I am taking my time, enjoying her beautiful butt. Nevertheless, the drill has to come to an end and I am now about to jerk.
Tight Cunt
It is always enjoyable to have a new pussy. It is like a new toy. And, because it is new, it gives a better feeling and sensation. I can’t keep my sperm anymore and I let my dick explode in her cunt. She is so good to cum in. I can feel her cunt contracting. My cock is trapped inside and I love that. She is a submissive girl and we fit together pretty well. My cock fit in her pussy so well, I feel like I have a new toy at home.