Young Ebony Analed
My young ebony analed is happening today. Because she is a slut and because she is a three-holed prodigy, I have to penetrate her asshole and dilate it as much as I can. I found her lying down on the bed fingering her asshole. She asked me whether I was ready to penetrate her little anus hole with my cock. Therefore, I asked her to kneel down on the bed and open her buttocks wide for me. Time for her to get in position, my cock is hard as wood. She lubricated her anus with lubricant in order to welcome my cock inside.
Very Tight Anus
Because she is young and because she is tight, I have to be gentle and introduce my penis very smoothly. I don’t want to hurt her on our first anal fuck. On my first attempt to push in, I felt my cock will not fit. It is too big. So, I lubricate my dick as much as I can prior to aiming it again at her butthole. This attempt was a success. I contemplate my cock dilating her little one and slowly disappearing between her buttocks. This is wonderful. She can handle my all cock inside her anus. That is great.
Young Anus Creampied
After a couple of minutes doing her asshole, I still can’t believe what is happening right now. I am feeling so good inside her, I don’t want it to stop. Nevertheless, I reach such a great level of pleasure, I just can’t hold back my orgasm anymore. I grab her hip and push mine against her’s. My cock is literally spitting all my cum inside her butt. It is warm, tight and so comfortably sweet. My pleasure is at its maximum when it slowly calm down. So, gently I pull out my cock and watch her little one spitting the sauce!